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Our services

We offer a wide range of services, that will help you make important life decisions

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Vocational Astrology


Identify your natural aptitudes and understand if you will be lucky, happy or financially successful within the chosen field. Learn about what part of the career time cycle you are – are you at your peak, what is the best time to start school or when will my career blossom?


Vocational Astrology is unique in its ability to synthesize the whole picture: talent, happiness, success and timing.


Reading includes the audio recording of the phone call and your hand-drawn chart. 




Charts can be calculated for the moment of receiving a job offer. This will allow you to know the true nature of the job; provide you with pertinent information about the people and company involved; what awaits you there; and answer the questions of: “Will I prosper in the new position?”


Note: If you are simultaneously receiving several job offers, contact us and we will give you a special rate. Your answer will be received by email.


Reading includes the audio recording of the phone call and your hand-drawn chart.

Job Offer Charts


Charts can be calculated for the moment of receiving a job offer. This will allow you to know the true nature of the job; provide you with pertinent information about the people and company involved; what awaits you there; and answer the questions of: “Will I prosper in the new position?”


Note: If you are simultaneously receiving several job offers, contact us and we will give you a special rate. Your answer will be received by email.


Reading includes the audio recording of the phone call and your hand-drawn chart.

Job Offer Charts


The Planetary Health Chart can assist a physician in detecting the exact location, nature, onset and duration of a mysterious problem. Medical astrology is very ancient. We know that it was practiced in the Greek era, and was a requisite to obtaining a physician's license in the Medieval and Renaissance periods in Europe. This inestimably useful branch of astrology has continued underground amongst “renegade” physicians in the west up to our present era, and has always been a mainstay in India and Tibet. 


Reading includes the audio recording of the phone call and your hand-drawn chart.


To learn more about medical astrology, visit Judith Hill’s Academy of Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology 


Electional astrology can be used for selecting important dates in relation to your personal natal chart. 


Dates that benefit from excellent timing include: marriages, business openings, surgeries, lawsuits; parties; mailings; interviews; submissions; court dates; induced births; travel; plane flights; visiting the parents; large purchases; turning on important equipment; publishing dates;; farming; pest control; house starts (the foundation stone)


For surgery date selection, see the service below.





Electional Astrology - Important Life Events

Expedited Services

 If you desire an expedited service, in your contact message, please note your need, including date by which you require the service and the reason for expediting. All expedited services involve a fee of between $50.00 and $150.00 based on the complexity of the reading and the proximity of the date by which you require the reading.

Readings information

After years of working with Judith and serving her clients, Marcus is now giving all of the readings for Hill and Romano Astrological Services. Marcus has developed his own practice as well, and brings the wisdom that he has gained from his practice to Hill and Romano Astrological Services. There are two exceptions to the rule that Marcus will be giving all of the readings.


For an additional fee, Judith will be available to give advice on vocational readings and will help Marcus select surgery dates, when the client specifically pays for Judith’s extra service. Please note that Marcus and Judith will consult regularly on many charts, so you may get Judith’s opinion in any reading, and Marcus will always let you know what Judith said.

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